Submit Your Work
Inkwell welcomes submissions of content from the Annie Wright community. Individual and recurrent submissions of work can be published in Inkwell’s Journal and online. All published submissions will receive bylines or credits.
Content in our Inkwell journal will not be distributed outside of Annie Wright Schools. With the consent of its creator, content may be published online after appearing in Inkwell.
Email submission proposals to Jamie Archer at [email protected]. Include a brief explanation of the work, specifying whether it is an individual piece or part of a series.
Editorial Standards
All submitted work will be reviewed and edited by Inkwell prior to publishing to ensure its conformance with Inkwell’s code of journalistic and editorial standards.
Submission Standards
Submissions should be word documents or google documents. Articles should include original photos if applicable. They should be between 50-800 words.
Inkwell is a news organization and holds itself to journalistic standards. It reserves the right to reject any article for publication. Articles that include hate speech, misinformation, lies or inappropriate language and content will not be published. Inkwell strives to create truthful, dependable, and engaging coverage of the school, community, and world. Defamation, disparagement of individuals and personal attacks will not be published. To that end, articles should promote positive discussion.
Editorial Process
Each Inkwell article written by a non-member of the Inkwell (s)elective will be edited by the designated section editor. Writers will communicate with their designated editor and Inkwell reserves the right to edit for style and grammar. Inkwell does not publish misinformation and reserves the right to fact check all submissions.
Inkwell assumes permission to republish materials submitted to Inkblots on any other Inkwell distribution outlet such as Instagram or unless specified otherwise by the author.
Any errors or updates to copy will be corrected upon awareness if published on the website. A statement of corrections made will be issued at the end of the article.