Crystal Zheng sparkles: Meet the May Queen
This year’s blue tie May Queen is Crystal Zheng, selected from the senior class to represent the graduating Annies. May Day, a tradition at Annie Wright that is over a century old, is on June 3 this year. Read on to get to know your 2016 May Queen.
Why do you think you were selected as May Queen?
I think part of the reason is that in the past four years, I have been involved in many groups and activities at school, including the orchestra, volleyball and golf team, being a member on the honor council, and being a prefect in the dorm. I try to connect with different student groups and girls from different backgrounds. I think over the years, I have been able to present myself through many different aspects.
What qualities do you think a good May Queen should have?
From the past three years, I have noticed that each May Queen has been someone who loves to be involved, who reaches out to different groups of students and is approachable, who is willing to voice opinions, who is thoughtful, who cares for others, especially the younger classes, who respects others around her, and who fulfills her responsibilities as a student, teammate, leader and sister.
Describe your feelings when Mrs. Schwartz announced that you were May Queen.
I was really surprised. Really. May Day is definitely my favorite tradition at AWS; however, I never thought I would have this opportunity to represent the senior class on this special day we celebrate before graduation. Being selected as May Queen is truly an honor, especially as an international student.
What are your responsibilities as May Queen?
My duty is to represent the blue ties on May Day; I’m going to give a speech about my experience and the senior class as a whole. I’m also going to talk about how the community has helped me grow.
What are you going to wear?
I am thinking a bright blue dress but I haven’t found one yet.
What should people know about you?
I love pandas and pink. I play the clarinet – jazz and classical music. I also like to ski and I enjoy hot pot.
What does Annie Wright mean to you?
As an international student, Annie Wright is probably the first home I had in the US. So to me, it is my second home. I feel challenged here and yet absolutely comfortable here.
Who do you look up to?
I look up to my friends here at Annie Wright. Everyone is so different and unique, but they are all similar in the ways they care about one another and this community. They have taught me many different worlds and made me realize who I am and who I want to be at this age.
What are some low points and some highlights of your experience at Annie Wright?Some low points include my first couple of months at Annie Wright: it was hard being without my mom, and then coming back at the beginning of senior year was hard because everything got really overwhelming and there was a lot of work. Some highlights include the tenth grade retreat, prefect training, performing with the Tacoma symphony orchestra, dorm game nights, and Hot Spot [IB magazine] releases.
Quick Facts:
Birthday: 8/14/1997
Hometown: Beijing, China
Years at AWS: 4
Favorite ice cream flavor: Rose
College: University of Southern California