Reasons to look forward to 2016

Whether 2015 was a great year or a bad one, it is exciting to think what your future may hold. It is exciting and nerve wracking to think about what these next 366 days may bring. In case you are feeling unconfident about the year ahead, here is a list of some of things to look forward to in 2016:

  • It’s a leap year (thats exciting! one extra day to enjoy)
  • Lots of new music: Drake, Rihanna, Beyoncé,  Kanye West and many more are expected to release new albums.
  • On December 21st, the remaining American, Australian and British troops will be removed from Afghanistan
  • The election! (and many more campaign commercials!)
  • The summer Olympics in Rio in August
  • NASA is expected to land a spacecraft on Jupiter.
  • The first ever multinational agreement plan to stop climate change will be developed.
  • Finding Dory, a sequel to Finding Nemo, will be released
  • Drought relief: lots of rain is expected this year (not that we have this problem).
  • A revamped Disney Jungle Book
  • First female president (hopefully.. maybe?)
  • Another birthday and all of the other great holidays from 2015

…and so so much more!

So, be excited for the New Year, because its going to be a great one!