Annie Wright’s Veterans Day ceremony packs the chapel

Annie Wrights Veterans Day ceremony packs the chapel

November 11. On this date in 1918, the armistice which ended World War I was signed. Today is therefore the day we honor our veterans who have served and protected America as a nation.

In Annie Wright’s beautiful chapel today, parents and grandparents as well as faculty and staff were recognized for their service. Students who have parents who are currently serving or have served in the past stood up with their family to light a candle in appreciation.


This annual ceremony has grown each year. It has always been a popular event, but this year the chapel was completely packed with Annie Wrighters who wanted to participate in the honoring of our military families.

All public schools in the area and many private schools do not have class on this special day. While some question the fact that we are in school on November 11, the administration has stuck by their decision in order to have our special Veteran’s Day chapel to publicly recognize, honor and thank the military in our community.