Exclusive: Casino Night Prize List


Sebastian Bush, Co-Editor-in-Chief

On Saturday the Great Hall will open at 7:00 PM for one of the most anticipated events of the year. You can find the list of prizes to be auctioned off at Casino Night below.



Box of dochi (donut mochi)

$25 Sephora gift card

Civvies passes (pack of 10)

Sewn ties out of any fabric out of any fabric you bring, courtesy of Profa Wenzlick (she will also sew pockets into your skirts)

Boat ride with lunch included for 8-9 students with Mr. Orr and a mystery teacher

Use of Ms. Corrigan’s office as a personal lounge for a day, complete with baked goods and a coffee/cocoa bar

Mystery Box #1

$100 Ding Tai Fang gift card + transportation for max. 6 students courtesy of Abby

Baked goods on each day of exams for 4 students courtesy of Betsy

Two dozen cookies delivered each month courtesy of Ms. Johnson

Burrito blanket

$100 Uwajimaya gift card + transportation to the Seattle branch (1 gift card, can take 6 students)

Mystery Box #2

$25 Starbucks Gift Card

Civvies passes (pack of 10) (#2)

Play with Bertie (Ms. Barber’s cat) for 3-4 students

Custom table-top roleplaying experience for up to 4 students courtesy of Jeff Barber

Lava Lamp

Room check passes (5 total)

Custom stained glass item courtesy of Mr. Graham

1.5 meter Snorlax stuffed animal

Mystery Box #3

Civvies Passes (pack of 10) (#3)

x4 $25 Bookstore gift cards

$40 Gamestop gift card

1 batch of cupcakes per month from Ms. Mingels (6-12 per batch)

Owl calling experience with Mr. Johnson this winter for 4-6 students (evening hike, date TBD, hot cocoa included)

Walk Mr. Dubois’ cat on a leash

Civvies Passes (pack of 10) (#4)

Tea and scones at Mr. Sidman’s house for 10 students on a weekend likely in January

Artisanal chocolate tasting experience for 6 students with Mr. Phillips

Mahjong time at Luna’s house + Asian snacks for 8 students

Write a D&D one shot and dress in costume of your choice (with reason) for 6 people

Chartered limo ride to Haidilao in Seattle for 8 students courtesy of Mr. Bates

BBQ with Guadnola family for 10 students