Recipe: Parker’s Old-Fashioned Egg Custard



This old-fashioned egg custard comes from a family recipe. It is extraordinarily easy to make, has very few ingredients, and is unique and delicious as a wintertime dessert. Its has a light, sweet texture, and compared to other desserts is quite healthy.



2 eggs

1/3 cup sugar

2 cups milk

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

Ground nutmeg (or cinnamon to taste)



In a wide, flat baking dish, beat eggs with a whisk and stir in sugar and salt. Scald milk, heating it uncovered until it skims over on the top. Don’t allow it to boil. Slowly add the milk to the original baking dish, little by little, stirring so the eggs do not cook and become lumpy. Add vanilla and sprinkle nutmeg over the top.

Bake 30 – 35 mins at 350 F, with the dish placed in a larger pan containing of 1 inch of water. Done when a knife stuck in the custard comes out clean. Can be served warm or chilled.