Casino Night prizes revealed

Fun socks are one of the smaller prizes for Casino Night.

Molly Bryant

The first Upper School event of the year, Casino Night, kicks off tomorrow at 7:00 pm in the Great Hall. Today Dean Annie Green announced the list of prizes as follows:

Haunted House Tour for 10 @ Georgetown Morgue (October; $210)

Date Night for 4 @ Pt. Ruston Cinema, Ice Cream, Farrelli’s ($150)

Limo Service for 10 with Elegant Limo; ~4 hours ($400 value)

Best Dorm Room Package Essential Oil Humidifier, Lava Lamp, Lights, Self-Determined Lights Out x1, Room Check Pass x3  ($125)

Sidman’s Cinema Night for 10 (January 21, 2018)

Giant Cuddly  ($60)

BBQ Dinner for 10 @ Chateau Guadnola (Spring 2018)

Nike Gift Card & Headbands ($65)

Personal Pony ($70)

Sephora Gift Card ($50)

Class is Cancelled Certificate (participating teachers only)

Polaroid Camera, Carry Strap & Fiji Film ($80)

Yami Buy Gift Card ($50)

Spirit Friday Socks are a USG uniform option (6 pairs; $15)

Pink Tie Wednesdays are a USB uniform option (4 ties; $20)

Mystery Prize #1 ($10-$30 value)

Instant Club w/ Portable Speakers ($25)

Mystery Prize #2 ($10-$30 value)

Downtown Donuts w/ Stubbs (weekday restrictions apply)

Good for One Chapel Nap Pass

Mystery Prize #3 ($10-$30 value)

Oops I Forgot My Tie Pass x2

Instant Cupcake Party from Hello, Cupcake ($30)

Purchase Any Time Throughout the Night

  • Small Candy ($1k)
  • Large Candy ($2.5k)
  • Spirit Friday Uniform Tie ($10 each)