Trump’s Cabinet So Far

Faye Prekeges

Trump has selected 17 out of the 24 cabinet members. Cabinet members advise the President’s decisions in their area of expertise.

Three cabinet positions do not require a senate confirmation: National Security Advisor, Chief of Staff, and Chief Strategist.

National Security Advisor

Michael T. Flynn has been appointed as the National Security Advisor. He is a retired Army lieutenant and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Mr. Flynn heavily supported Trump during the election and is vocal about his views pertaining to the Islamic Militancy, and their threat towards our country.

Chief of Staff

Reince Priebus is the chairman of the Republican National Committee, and was appointed by Trump to be his Chief of Staff, a job involving cultivating political relationships and helming the presidential agenda.

Chief Strategist

Stephen K. Bannon is a Republican media executive and chairman of Trump’s campaign. Trump has garnered criticism in his choice of Bannon, as many believe Mr. Bannon is representative of racist views in the country.

Below are the 21 positions that require a Senate confirmation.

Labor Secretary

Andrew F. Puzder is the expected choice for Trump as the Labor Secretary. He is a criticizer of Obama’s labor policies and donated to Trump’s campaign. His own experience includes being the Chief executive of CKE restaurants  

Small Business Administration

Linda McMahon, the former chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment has been selected to lead the Small Business Administration. Her political experience includes a failed campaign for Senator of Connecticut, and her along with her husband were donors to Trump’s campaign.

E.P.A. Administrator

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma Attorney general, who is currently suing the E.P.A. and is a proponent of of the fossil fuel industry, has been selected.

Homeland Security Secretary

John F. Kelly is the expected choice for Secretary of Homeland Security. He is a former four-star Marine general, and his son was a soldier killed in Afghanistan.

Defense Secretary

James N. Mattis is a critic of the Obama Administration, led a Marine division in Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and he headed the United States Central Command for three years. Mr. Mattis has been out of uniform for less than seven years, and would need a waiver from Congress to lead the Pentagon.

Treasury Secretary

Steven Mnuchin served as Trump’s campaign finance chairman, is a former Goldman Sachs executive, and has experience in Hollywood, but not in government.

Transportation Secretary

Elaine L. Chao was the labor secretary under George W. Bush’s presidency, her husband is Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, and she is a fixture of the Republican establishment in Washington D.C.

Health and Human Services Secretary

Trump selected Tom Price as his secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Price is a six term Republican congressman from Georgia and an orthopedic surgeon who opposes the Affordable Care Act.

Commerce Secretary

Wilbur Ross, an investor worth $2.9 billion dollars, has been selected as the secretary of Commerce. Mr. Ross has advocated for trade fees on China.

Education Secretary

Trump has chosen Betsy DeVos,  the former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican party, an education activist, and believer in school choice as the Education Secretary.

U.N. Ambassador

Nikki R. Haley is the governor of South Carolina and daughter of two Indian immigrants. She is Trump’s selection for U.N. Ambassador and was critical of him early in his campaign.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Ben Carson, a former neurosurgeon, was selected to be the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Carson accepted Trump’s selection after stating previously he did not want to work in the government.

C.I.A. Director

Mike Pompeo, former representative of Kansas and army officer, is the choice for C.I.A. Director. Mr. Pompea is currently on the House Intelligence Committee and heavily criticized Hillary Clinton during the investigation following the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Attorney General

Jeff Sessions is the selection for Attorney General. Mr. Sessions is an Alabama Senator, proponent of strict immigration enforcement, reduced spending, and tough-on crimes measures. He was nominated for Federal Judgeship in 1986, but he was rejected due to racial comments and actions. His past comments are expected to become an issue during his senate confirmation hearings.