Ask Annie: The Election Issue

If I am eligible to vote, should I? What if I don’t like either of the candidates?

Yes. If you don’t vote, you can’t complain about the outcome. Even if you aren’t a fan of Clinton or Trump, identify the candidate you prefer by getting informed (read articles, watch the news and debates or highlights, and follow the candidates on social media). You could also choose a third-party candidate.

What happens if my candidate doesn’t win? How much power does the President actually have?

Checks and balances make sure that each branch of government, including the President, doesn’t control all the power. The President, however, does have important responsibilities like commanding the military, appointing influential civil servants, overseeing foreign policy and representing our nation.

If my candidate doesn’t win, should I move to Canada?

It is an extensive process to be able to move permanently to Canada. A better way to handle seeing your candidate lose is to step up and get involved. If you feel the need to move, move to Washington D.C. and create change.


How do I handle a situation in which my friends’ or parents’ political views vastly differ from my own?

People have very strong feelings about the candidates. You should listen to different views and respect others’ opinions (you might learn something!), but don’t be afraid to share your own views and express your own opinions. If you feel frustrated or offended and are worried that you will lose it, change the subject or excuse yourself to calm down.